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5 Ways to Stay Positive in Recovery

For women going through recovery, there will be good days and bad days. Here at Residence XII, we spend time talking through ways to stay on the path, but it’s hard to stay positive in recovery sometimes. We all have those days. We’ve outlined a few tips to try and help create positive thinking and never forget that support groups are here to help. You can always reach out or come to one of our events.

  1. Talk to your family and friends – No woman is an island. Your support group is there for a reason and they are behind you 100%. If you’re having a bad day, then make time to chat with one of the people who inspire you. Positive energy can be contagious, so catch it from those around you.
  2. Start new activities – Many patients have told us that trying to pick up old hobbies or activities can sometimes tempt them to consider drinking again. During your recovery, especially in the first few months as you’re continuing to adapt to your new sober life, it’s best to get out and explore new hobbies and activities. Take up a cooking class to help you eat healthier or join a meditation group to help you focus your mind. There are wonderful groups on and free or low cost classes available in the community.
  3. Keep an appreciation journal – One of the easiest tricks to staying positive is to make sure that when you have those great days and great moments, you take the time to write them down or write about your feelings in an appreciation journal. Having something concrete that you can reference when you’re having a bad day, can help re-focus your energy and keep you positive.
  4. Help others – It’s hard to stay negative when you’re helping your community. Volunteer opportunities abound in our area. Whether you want to help women going through similar situations, care for local animals, tutor children or find another option that ignites your passion, there are great volunteer activities available.
  5. Be forgiving of yourself – One of the best ways to stay positive is to not let yourself focus on the negative. As Alexander Pope once wrote, “To err is human; to forgive, divine.” Know that there will be good days and bad, but that you are strong and can work through them.

About Residence XII

Residence XII offers DRUG TREATMENT that helps to empower women while leading them on their journey toward recovery. At Residence XII, we welcome all women (+18) and aim to provide the highest quality INPATIENT ALCOHOL TREATMENT available. We provide FREE ASSESSMENTS and references for women seeking more information about alcohol dependency. Residence XII also offers OUTPATIENT ALCOHOL TREATMENT PROGRAMS and FAMILY TREATMENT PROGRAMS. Residence XII is State Licensed by CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) and a member of the NAATP (National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers).