Some women are at greater risk of alcohol abuse or alcoholism than others. Even though many women are able to drink alcohol in moderation without suffering any harmful effects, women who have one or more of the following risk factors should be cautious about drinking:
1.) A family history of alcohol problems
Women with a family history of alcohol dependence may be at greater risk of becoming alcoholics themselves. Research has shown that genetic factors do have an effect on alcoholism, and that children of alcoholics are about four times as likely to have alcohol problems as the rest of the population, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. The good news is you can take steps to mitigate this risk, such as avoiding underage drinking, only drinking moderately as an adult, or joining a support group for the children of parents or other blood relatives with alcohol problems.
2.) A partner who drinks heavily
Women who are married to a heavy drinker or romantically involved with a heavy drinker are at greater risk of problem drinking than other women.
3.) The ability to “hold her liquor” more than others
Women who are able to drink excessively without feeling the same physical effects of drunkenness as other women may be at greater risk of alcohol abuse or alcoholism. Women who do not experience loss of motor control or mental clarity to the same degree as other women who drink may be lulled into a false sense of security that they can repeatedly binge drink without any serious repercussions.
4.) A history of depression
Women who are diagnosed with depressive disorder may turn to alcohol or drugs to cope with their condition. Sadly, this behavior can actually worsen depression by enhancing the severity and duration of many depression symptoms.
5.) A history of childhood abuse.
Women suffering from the shame and post-traumatic stress of past abuse may also turn to alcohol as a coping mechanism. Research shows that women who were abused as children may be at higher risk of alcohol-related problems as an adult.
If you have any of the above risk factors for alcoholism, consider your relationship with alcohol carefully. If you are unable to stop or reduce your drinking, a formal alcohol treatment facility for women can help.
About Residence XII
Residence XII offers DRUG TREATMENT that helps to empower women while leading them on their journey toward recovery. At Residence XII, we welcome all women (+18) and aim to provide the highest quality INPATIENT ALCOHOL TREATMENT available. We provide FREE ASSESSMENTS and references for women seeking more information about alcohol dependency. Residence XII also offers OUTPATIENT ALCOHOL TREATMENT PROGRAMS and FAMILY TREATMENT PROGRAMS. Residence XII is State Licensed by CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) and a member of the NAATP (National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers).
(Photo by Witthaya Phonsawat via