Contact Us: Women in Need
Do any of the following statements ring true?
- My spouse/partner has argued with me about my drinking or drug habit.
- Family members have repeatedly spoken to me about my drinking and/or drug use.
- I have been late for work as a result of drinking or using drugs the night before.
- I have lost a partner, job or friends because of my drinking or drug use.
- I sometimes wake up still drunk or have a drink in the morning.
- I have been injured while under the influence of drugs or drink.
- I have spent money on alcohol or drugs that I should have spent on rent, groceries, or other necessary expenses.
- My driver’s license has been suspended for driving under the influence.
- I often drink alone.
If any of the above statements ring true, Residence XII is here to help with your treatment and recovery. In a safe, caring environment of women who understand alcohol and chemical dependency, you can start your journey of recovery today.
For more information, fill out the form below. If you need immediate help, please call (425) 823-8844 or (800) 776-5944. Need to fax us documents? Our fax number is (425) 820-2371.