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Library Recommended reading for women in need


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  • Are Women More Vulnerable to Alcohol’s Effects?
    To many, the idea that men are able to hold their liquor better than a woman is simply a cliché based on testosterone and ego. But according to extensive scientific research, it appears that this cliché is, in fact, grounded in truth.
  • Did You Know? Facts and Figures
    Did you know that about 4.5 million American women abuse alcohol and about 3.5 million American women misuse prescription drugs?
  • Gender-Specific Treatment for Women with Alcohol Dependency
    Alcoholism does not discriminate by race, culture, age, or sexual orientation. Alcoholism is a disease that robs women of their futures. It destroys families and the lives of women’s loved ones; and it robs communities of the fabric that weaves them together.
  • What Does Being Female Have to Do with It?
    Female addicts and alcoholics exhibit more depression and more suicidal tendencies than males, and report a far greater incidence of physical or sexual abuse as well a greater incidence of family substance abuse.
  • Are You Chemically Dependent?
    A series of thought-provoking questions to help you recognize whether or not you are chemically dependent.
  • The Assessment Process
    The first step towards recovery for a woman with alcohol or drug dependency is admitting she needs help. But sometimes, it takes the support of a family member, friend, employer or health care professional to lead her gently towards the path. But whether a woman decides she needs treatment on her own, or with the help of someone who cares about her future, the very first step in the process is having an extensive, inclusive assessment that paints a realistic picture of the past, the present and even sometimes the future.