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5 Ways to Stay on the Path to Recovery

Recovery is an on-going process that takes both time and effort.  Help keep on track with these tips for creating a healthier, richer life full of the things that you love. Women in recovery have the opportunity for shaping a bigger, brighter future as they try new experiences and realize the many possibilities available to them.

1.) Integrate Exercise

Exercise has been proven to be mood-lifting and help create feelings of balance. Beginning an exercise program can also be a good way to create structure during a time of growth or transition, such as recovery. Women in recovery have many options to incorporate exercise in their lives, from beginning a neighborhood walking or running routine, to joining a gym. Those who want to avoid traditional gyms can try a yoga, Pilates, Zumba, barre, spinning, or CrossFit class for a refreshingly different workout. Many gyms will offer guest passes for free or a small fee so potential members can try out the facility.

2.) Eat Healthy

An easy way to begin eating more healthy without having to follow or research a strict diet is to begin adding more fruits and vegetables in meals and snacks, drinking more water during the day, and reducing sweets and processed or fast foods. Eating to feel better also means looking at individual needs—women who are gluten or lactose intolerant or diabetic need to focus eating to accommodate their bodies’ needs. Paying attention to the body’s needs also helps increase awareness and improvement of unhealthy patterns: some women in recovery might notice themselves eating out of boredom or anxiety, while others might realize they accidentally skip meals.

3.) Explore Hobbies

Many women in recovery find crafts and art making to be a stress reliever, allowing them to focus on the present moment. Craft projects can be a great way to build self-confidence and self-expression: the act of creating is empowering. Hobbies don’t have to focus on décor and accessories; they can also simply mean the chance to learn a new skill that adds enrichment. Women who participated in hobbies in the past can rediscover them again, or start a new hobby by searching online for an area of interest. The Instructables website is a great place to pick up how-to instructions for a variety of projects.

4.) Start Traveling

Travel nurtures independence, relaxation, and learning. From an international trip to a weekend getaway, there are countless ways to temporarily change locations. If money is tight, daytrips to a nearby city might be the solution. Planning a trip is also a fun experience. Women in recovery might appreciate the chance to focus on a positive goal they can work toward. It can also be extremely healthy to spend time in a new area where there are no negative memories or triggers. Energy can then be spent enjoying scenic surrounding or traversing a busy city. International traveling might mean the opportunity to immerse in a different culture and language, promoting more avenues for learning and self-growth.

5.) Join Support Groups

A significant part of making a journey is getting help along the way. Women in the recovery process can find support and positive relationships in groups like Residence XII’s Continuing Care. Sometimes the chance to talk with other women in recovery means the difference between feeling defeated and motivated. Friendship and activity partners can also be found in support groups. Continuing Care equips recovering women with real-life tools for staying healthy and sober. Group activities are also a part of growing and learning to embrace the joy in life. Members also participate in events like dances and retreats as a welcome respite from the everyday pressures and responsibilities.

Which tips worked for you? Which are you most excited about trying? Not everyone’s path to recovery will look the same, but many women find that new activities and friendships can help make the journey more positive.

About Residence XII

Residence XII offers DRUG TREATMENT that helps to empower women while leading them on their journey toward recovery. At Residence XII, we welcome all women (+18) and aim to provide the highest quality INPATIENT ALCOHOL TREATMENT available. We provide FREE ASSESSMENTS and references for women seeking more information about alcohol dependency. Residence XII also offersOUTPATIENT ALCOHOL TREATMENT PROGRAMS and FAMILY TREATMENT PROGRAMS. Residence XII is State Licensed by CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) and a member of the NAATP (National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers).

(Photo by Unsplash via Pixabay)